Monday, April 21, 2008

Inexpensive Earth Day makeover to reduce your carbon footprint

One of the best ways to celebrate Earth Day is to take a few easy steps to reduce energy consumption around the house. Here are some really low cost-high impact purchases /suggestions that will reduce your carbon footprint:

1. Two cartons of rope caulk: Use to seal drafty windows from unwanted air infiltration.

2. Battery charger: Replace hundreds of disposable batteries by charging your own.

3. Small shopping bag: Get a "Chico Bag" which is a nylon bag that fits in your purse or pocket.

4. Tire air gauge: Keep those car tires properly inflated for better gas mileage and higher driving safety.

5. CFL bulbs: Switch out a few incandescent bulbs for CFL equivalents. Watch out for power company rebate programs that can make the new bulbs as cheap as the other technology.

6. Pick up two to three larger reusable shopping bags: These now come in all shapes and sizes. You can get them for virtually free from government or certain retailers.

7. Install low flow shower heads and faucet aerators: Reduce water flow from 2-3 gallons per minute to 1 gallon per minute. This will also cut back on your hot water bill.

8. Add a water displacement container to your existing toilets: This reduces water required for flushing.

9. Get a shower timer: Try to limit your shower time by using a timer. Any clock will do, or pick up an hour glass timer for a few dollars.

10. And, of course, your diet would not be complete without your own copy of The Climate Diet, your guide to easy lifestyle changes that can be adapted to almost any lifestyle to reduce your carbon footprint.

For more info, visit