Sunday, May 4, 2008

Eleven Things You Can do to Become A Climate Friendly Consumer

Most of us do not realize that our shopping and eating habits have a major impact on the climate. The average family of four generates more than 4 pounds of trash per person per day; most of it never gets recycled. A big part of this waste stream is product packaging. Also many of our favorite foods, especially beef products, require massive amounts of resources to produce. Up to 56% of all US farmland is dedicated to producing cattle feed and related products.

Here are 11 tips that can help you to cut down on the trash make both healthy and climate friendly eating choices:

1. Avoid packaged food products.
2. Consider reducing or eliminating consumption of meat, especially red meat.
3. Increase vegetable consumption.
4. Buy locally produced organic fruits and vegetables.
5. Avoid non-seasonal foods that have to be shipped from thousands of miles away.
6. Frequent farmers markets.
7. Compost more often.
8. Avoid producers that practice inhumane animal treatment practices.
9. Use products made from sustainably harvested or recycled materials.
10.Give non-material gifts, or use recycled wrapping paper and boxes.
11.Just buy less: free yourself from advertisers and reconnect with your friends and family.

For more information, visit

1 comment:

pasionaria said...

Obviously, local organic field produce is the best choice - but if we want fresh vegetables in winter in Canada, there are usually 2 choices: imported or hothouse. Have you seen any research on the relative carbon impact of these choices?